The IPCC report paints a dark picture of what will happen if the world collectively does not make an active effort to reduce the projected global warming from 2 degrees C to 1.5 degrees C through policy change and techno-fixes. The main problems facing the world with increased global warming is not just the damage to the environment and ecosystems but damage to structures and existing human settlements which is going to require preventative measures. So, governments are going to have to invest in advanced types of dams and levees to protect large cities such as New York and Venice. The more important parts of climate change that we need to address is the dying off of ecosystems and plant life which will affect us greatly, so one of the things that needs to happen is curbing our carbon emissions through policy change across the board. Policy to improve global warming might include requiring less driving, enforcing required carpooling, and most importantly actually having standards for Industrial producers such as requiring carbon dioxide catchers at a rate relative to their production.
As predicted by John Tyndall climate change would largely be influenced by the greenhouse effect that he had shown in his experiments, this was done in 1861 so it has not been a new idea that climate change would be affected by human actions. In response to climate contrarians that claim climate science is currently young this example shows that that is patently false as we have been showing since 1861 that the greenhouse effect is real. This isn’t even the first time that this type of denial has had a long history of being false as for decades the people claimed that smoking wasn’t bad for you while scientists had known that cigarettes in fact caused cancer.