Mountains & Mines

LeCain’s argument regarding the three types of techno-fixes, the transformational techno-fix, the relocational techno-fix, and the delaying techno-fix is described in his two case studies of Ducktown and Anaconda. LeCain describes that each of the case studies offers a clear example of several types of the technological fixes. “The Ducktown case offers a clear example of the first and second types of solutions,” and the Anaconda case study “involved both transformational and relocational techno-fixes, [and] it also entailed a delaying techno-fix  (LeCain, 141). At the end of his essay, LeCain states, “We should regard environmental techno-fixes with some caution. The modern prejudice against such technological solutions appears to be, at least in part, historically justified: environmental improvements in one area have clearly resulted in increased degradation in other areas or in the postponement of the damages to later eras. But perhaps by classifying technological fixes in this way, we can move beyond the early scientific and engineering solutions that focused too narrowly on the local and short-term problems of a technological system” (LeCain, 150).

Knowing the damage and waste that mining causes, the question of whether we need copper and other minerals is asked. While, having the resources of copper and other minerals is useful, I don’t believe that it is crucial to the advancement of technology and science today. However, I don’t think that it would be possible to completely discard the use of these resources, at least at this point in time.