Technological Neverland or Wasteland?

While, we cannot deny that technology has done a world of good in our lives. We also know that technology can also cause problems. In his article, Johnston brings up the fact that DDT, which had been praised as a great technological fix to pests, actually did more harm than good when looking at the bigger ecological picture, and for all the technological fixes used during the Vietnam war, it was the simple guerilla tactics used by natives that ultimately prevailed. Huesemann and Huesemann argue a similar point, that technological fixes offer positive and negative effects. However, they state that the repercussions may be worse specifically because, if technological fixes cause more harm to the environment than what nature can replace? Then the negative effects of technology can become irreversible and could lead to the extinction of certain natural processes.


In my opinion, technological fixes have negative repercussions because they are not natural. Humans work so hard to bend nature to their will, when in reality, nature can always find its own solution, yet we are a culture that wants immediate results. Therefore, we choose to speed to a “fix” without thinking what harm will come of it. We see technology as only beneficial, which is why many consequences from technological fixes are accidental. However, those consequences such as the extinction of a species do not deter us from pursuing fixes because despite the harmful side effects, we are excited to speed the natural process of the world along, as well as find a quick solution to a large problem. Technological innovations are ingrained in the human race’s DNA, and we will never choose to go backwards in the world of technology.