RoboCop vs Terminator

Douthwaite is a proponent for technological fixes (RoboCop). In contrast, Huesemann is against technological fixes (Terminator). Johnston likes RoboCop but is afraid it could turn into Terminator. Huesemann sees that Terminator will always come back and hurt humans and nature. Anything that humans do to fix a situation/nature for their benefit, they make another Terminator that would be meaner or stronger than the previously created Terminator. Johnston likes RoboCop because it can help society. However, if humans ignore RoboCop or use it in a situation that it is not supposed to be used for, RoboCop could become a Terminator. Douthwaite’s position says that RoboCop will always be RoboCop. RoboCop, he believes, will help with the problem and control it to a point until humans can find a better solution than RoboCop.

RoboCop becomes Terminator because RoboCop seems to have negative side-effects. RoboCop would seem nice and helpful, but it is just Terminator in disguise. The reason for this is that everything on Earth is connected in one way or another. An example from Huesemann is the use of DDT. DDT was a great pesticide, but the chemicals that it used were not biodegradable and started to accumulate in various organisms, including humans (Huesemann, p. 6). However, some believe that scientists should continue to use RoboCop-disguised Terminators to fix problems. Some of the reasonings that I think would cause people to think this is that they do not see the problems or believe that scientists could find a fix for the later issues. I think that we should focus on fixing the current problems without using Terminators and with an eco-friendlier RoboCop.