Viva La Resistance

Holding an ever-important presence in the everyday life of the working-class citizens in the late 1700’s, the Church and country’s government were the all-knowing power and go to for the need of understanding. That when something was needed or could not be understood one would look towards those in power for support. But when someone would challenge the rule of the those in power it would cause a stir for both in charge and those who follow. At the time when men had come up with an air pump or electrical machines, people would question their leaders. But it would not come without a cost. “The dissenters undermining the Church of England; that a had destroyed the agrarian tranquility of rural England.” (S.J. Pg. 181, L 3-7) The people are the ones who give government and religion their power, but when that is put under question those in power worry about where they stand in the social hierarchy.

In the modern-day things may have changed in the way of looking at the church for answers for what could not be easily explained, but still looking at their government for support in troubled times and giving into rule. Scientific or technological research that also holds social or political consequences are still present, but they have to face the backlash of control by the government. Things like nuclear energy, or even human health programs go through governmental scrutiny by lobbyist who pay to get their way. According to Johnson’s work things are not so different from today as they were a couple hundred years ago. Those in charge are scared of what they cannot control, so they do all they can to get control of the opposition. Even if that means lying to the people to have them effect the problems they do not own.

1 thought on “Viva La Resistance”

  1. Well thought out and written. Lobbying is a major force in today’s political environment. Unfortunately, the extent of lobbying from oil and pharmaceutical companies is much greater than other lobbyists that may be opposing them. Even technology companies don’t hold the motivation to heavily influence politics nowadays, because they are are trying to influence the future more than the present. What I mean by that is technology is rapidly improving, so there is no incentive to push the present technology when it will be replaced next year. So in that respect I don’t think a whole lot has changed since Priestly’s days when those who managed agriculture held the most political power.

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