Technology; a gift from above

Douthwaite argued that a technological fix can fix many social science problems in the short run: “if it works even temporarily to solve an important social problem, then it is an important contribution” (Douthwaite, 32). Huesemann critiqued his argument by saying “All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth.” (Huesemann, Huesemann, 4). The natural world is interconnected, and Huesemann asserts that you can’t fix one thing with technology, without damaging other things, especially since the pace of the technological change further effects the scale of exploitation of nature. Johnston, on the other hand does not come up with an argument as direct as Huesemann & Huesemann, but rather presents a statement from an engineer, Weinberg, who had the idea that engineers could supplant social scientists, and maybe policy-makers and lawmakers. He does state in the end that “Modern problems cannot be reduced to mere engineering solutions over the long term; human goals are diverse and constantly changing” (Johnston, 54). Their critique of Douthwaite’s argument is mainly that technological fixes are not necessary. Huesemann & Huesemann finds it damaging while Johnston finds it unnecessary, in the way that it can’t be fixed with technology, neither reduced.

These technological fixes can have negative repercussions on the biosphere through humans attempting to optimize nature for their own sole purpose. They disturb the natural balance, and this causes, in some cases, unintended consequences. My opinion is that technology is a gift and it’s wrong to be afraid of technology. You should use technology and be aware of the risk it can cause in the long-run. Being conscientious of our integral relationship with nature, we can implement our ideas of improvement without having a mentality of conquest.