Every Which Way But Loose

1.I would accept adding a new epoch to the geological calendar. I think it should begin in now rather than later. If we wait things may be so bad that there will be no way of fixing it down the road.  In Kolbert’s article she states that some scientists don’t believe that we have reached the Anthropocene. She remarks “Some scientists argue that we’ve not yet reached the start of the Anthropocene–not because we haven’t had a dramatic impact on the planet, but because the next several decades are likely to prove even more stratigraphically significant than the past few centuries” (Kolbert P. 4). This reason though does prove things will become more significant later on but that doesn’t mean we cant start doing things now on formal adoption of anthropocene epoch. In Steffen’s article he also points out the change in climate by stating “There is also evidence for radically different directions built around innovative, knowledge-based solutions.Whatever unfolds, the next few decades will surely be a tipping point in the evolution of the Anthropocene” (Steffen P. 620). We as humans are transforming the planet with all our resources and how we use them.

2. To develop solutions for climate change we need to not focus on fitting in with our social peers. Kahan explains this well by expressing “Positions on climate change have come to signify the kind of person one is. People whose beliefs are at odds with those of the people with whom they share their basic cultural commitments risk being labelled as weird and obnoxious in the eyes of those on whom they depend for social and financial support” (Kahan P. 1). I missed out on Dr. Cathy Whitlocks lecture but I’m sure it was very insightful. My ideas for encouraging conversations between different people about climate change would to be respectful of people’s beliefs and opinions.


1 thought on “Every Which Way But Loose”

  1. Hello,
    I enjoyed reading your blog post. I really liked the quotes you used from our readings this week and felt they were very fitting for your argument. As we saw in the IPCC report that was published in the last couple weeks, the next 20-40 years we will witness immense changes on our planet. I wonder if those who oppose the anthropogenic epoch will change their minds after seeing the changes. Just because we can’t see our impacts right now, does not mean it will stay that way. Our actions now will have long lasting consequences, causing a new geological epoch. Cathy Whitlock’s guest lecture was very insightful and she had very useful ways to approach those who do not “believe” or support climate science. She encouraged the use of personal anecdotes to allow those non-believers to see this in a more personal light.

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