Are we asking too much of our land?

Currently, the Bitterroot Valley of Montana is facing a multitude of environmental concerns. All levels, from in the earth to in the atmosphere, have been impacted within the past hundred years. Starting with the soil, here are a few of the environmental problems faced. Only one third of the land is covered in healthy soil. The other two thirds are either on the verge of needed restoration or is already in need of restoration. To list only a few of the reasons, saline seep, the exhaustion of nutrients in the soil, and erosion are all playing a part. Another huge issue being faced is water quality and quantity. As the climate is changing, the snowmelt is producing less water over a shorter period of time. In turn, this is causing a shortage concern for the latter parts of the growing season. In conclusion, these are all problems being faced right now. Problems that have been caused by the stress the population has applied. The land is being asked to provide so much more than it ever has and it is starting to take a toll on the sustainability and health of the valley. These problems need to be solved or else new issues will continue to arise that have never been faced before.

Montana is a great place to use as a model for exploring the worlds environmental concerns. Even though Montana might face more or less specific concerns than other places, the basic concerns are the same. Problems with water shortage, water quality, air quality, are all issues that need to be confronted throughout the globe. Now, there are issues such as overgrazing, saline seep, and toxic runoff from mines that may not be global, but the necessities for life previously listed are happening everywhere.

1 thought on “Are we asking too much of our land?”

  1. I agree with just about everything that you have mentioned in your post and think it is very well thought out. The only thing I would have added to the first paragraph is a stronger mention of humanity’s impact and why this wouldn’t be as big of a problem if it wasn’t for it. Another problem you weren’t able to mention is the impact of forest density and fire control on the environment. However, I realize this would be difficult to add due to length limitations. Your second paragraph is also very well thought out and I love that you mentioned that Montana may not be the most specific model when it comes to the subject. I wrote in my post that it didn’t serve as a very good model due to the major differences it has with more urban areas. Your post allowed me to think of it in a somewhat different, more general way. Good job.

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